Sirois Tool Featured in “Manufacturing in Focus” Magazine
Sirois Tool Featured in “Manufacturing in Focus” Magazine

In celebration of our 65th anniversary this year, we’re looking back at everything that’s happened with Sirois Tool over the years.

In case you missed it, Manufacturing in Focus magazine published an interesting feature story about Sirois Tool in its November 2023 issue.

The six-page article shares the history and growth of Sirois Tool, as well as our company’s corporate culture, capabilities, and what makes us different from other shops.

The article also shares what we’re doing to develop the next generation of toolmakers and machinists, and how we’re contributing to environmental sustainability.

It’s been just over a year since the story was published and we have some new information to share:

Six students have now graduated from our apprenticeship program, and we have three new apprentices working with us today.

Our investments in technology are ongoing. We’ve purchased 12 new machine tools over the past five years, which equates to a new machine about every five months. This doesn’t include the many machines that came with our sister company’s (Spring Tool Solutions) purchase of Northeast Carbide and Spring Manufacturers Supply in August of 2023.

“We’re able to provide much more of a one-stop shop where somebody sends us their prints and models and we can make the parts complete for them. Those are our points of differentiation: complex, close tolerances, and a one-stop shop” – Sirois Tool CEO Alan Ortner – Manufacturing Focus – Nov. 2023

Consistent communication with our customers and employees is one of the hallmarks of our corporate culture. We plan to keep sharing industry and company news with you, so be sure to bookmark the news section of our website and follow us on LinkedIn so you don’t miss out.



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